DJs Pareja: Now and Then

DJs Pareja:  Now and Then

In the 90s, the underground dance culture in Buenos Aires began to flourish, and international DJs began visiting the city for the first time.

Something was born in the discotecas during those years, and an entire generation started dancing to the rhythms of the counterculture. One night in 1993, Diego Irasusta met Mariano Caloso a nightclub called The Age of Communication. They are now widely known as Djs Pareja.

For 15 years, the Cómeme-affiliated duo have lived in an apartment in the Congreso neighborhood. As both their home and their studio, the space is crammed. The shelves in their living room are crowded by endless rows of CDs and vinyl that cover a great deal of the music produced in the 80s and 90s. Their musical selections are careful: that same morning Mariano woke up and put on the record by the Pet Shop Boys, and Diego argued that it was too melancholy. In fact, lately both of them are starting to value silence as a method of mental purification.

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